ewatercycle.models.pcrglobwb module

eWaterCycle wrapper around PCRGlobWB BMI.

class ewatercycle.models.pcrglobwb.PCRGlobWB(version: str, parameter_set: ParameterSet, forcing: Optional[PCRGlobWBForcing] = None)

Bases: AbstractModel[PCRGlobWBForcing]

eWaterCycle implementation of PCRGlobWB hydrological model.

available_versions: ClassVar[Tuple[str, ...]] = ('setters',)

Versions of model that are available in this class

setup(cfg_dir: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) Tuple[str, str]

Start model inside container and return config file and work dir.

  • cfg_dir – a run directory given by user or created for user.

  • **kwargs – Use parameters() to see the current values configurable options for this model,

Returns: Path to config file and work dir

get_value_as_xarray(name: str) xarray.DataArray

Return the value as xarray object.

property parameters: Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]]

List the configurable parameters for this model.

forcing: Optional[ForcingT]
bmi: Bmi

Basic Modeling Interface object