Adding models to eWaterCycle

eWaterCycle has been designed to make it easy to use hydrological models. Using a model doesn’t require much technical expertise, so researchers can focus on scientific discovery instead. By contrast, adding new models to eWaterCycle requires a deep understanding of the technologies used to build the system and the models of which it is comprised.

So far, the addition of new models to eWaterCycle has been coordinated by the system developers. Should you wish to add a new model yourself, it is advisable to contact us well in advance (e.g. through GitHub), so we may be able to provide assistance. In the meantime, we’re working towards a process where adding models to eWaterCycle can be carried out by the eWaterCycle community.

There are roughly five steps to adding a model to eWaterCycle:

  1. Create a model which exposes the Basic Model Interface (BMI)

  2. Package the model together with grpc4bmi server in a docker container

  3. Write (or find) an ESMValTool recipe to generate forcing

  4. Add the model to the eWaterCycle Python package

  5. Make the new model available on a machine that’s running eWaterCycle

If you want to add a new version of a model the procedure is roughly the same, but you can skip several steps. If you are already familiar with the eWaterCycle bits and pieces, you can refer to Adding a new version of a model for a condensed version of the necessary steps.


The instructions on this page are still rudimentary. If you would like to help us improve them, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by opening an issue.

Create a model which exposes the Basic Model Interface (BMI)

Models in eWaterCycle follow the Basic Model Interface. You can either write a model that directly exposes this interface, but the more common use case is to add a wrapper around an existing model. For more information please follow the instructions at

Package the model together with grpc4bmi server in a docker container

In eWaterCycle models are stored in Docker container images, which can be shared through DockerHub. Because Docker is not always available on compute clusters, we also create Singularity images. Besides the model code, the container image should install grpc4bmi server as an entrypoint to enable communication with the model from outside of the container. We use standardized image names including a unique version number for the model. See the section on versions below for more info on model versions.

Concretely, these are the steps you should follow:

  • Create Docker container image named ewatercycle/<model>-grpc4bmi:<version> with grpc4bmi server running as entrypoint. For detailed instructions and examples, please see

  • Host Docker container image on Docker Hub

  • Create Singularity image from Docker with singularity build ./ewatercycle-<model>-grpc4bmi_<version>.sif docker://ewatercycle/<model>-grpc4bmi:<version>

Write (or find) an ESMValTool recipe to generate forcing


This step is not strictly necessary to run the model. You may choose to postpone this step until after you’ve successfully completed the subsequent steps, but until then you will not have the possibility to generate custom forcing data.

In eWaterCycle we use ESMValTool to generate forcing data for our models. ESMValTool provides a standardized workflow to read and process climate data from various sources. In this way we can easily convert e.g. raw climate model output to a format that our hydrological model understands. Ideally, all hydrological models should use standardized input data formats (we suggest “generic lumped” and “generic distributed” as the two main types of forcing data). However, in reality most models use slightly different formats, variables, terminologies, et cetera. Therefore, custom ESMValTool recipes are available for most (if not all) models in eWaterCycle, and there is a good chance that you will have to add another one for your model.

For the available recipes in ESMValTool, see

ESMValTool has a nice tutorial that guides you through the steps to write a new recipe: If you’ve not used ESMValTool before, it might be helpful to walk through the tutorial in its entirety.

To add a new ESMValTool recipe, we recommend starting from an existing eWaterCycle recipe and modifying it for your needs.

Add the model to the eWaterCycle Python package

The eWaterCycle Python package brings together (almost) all components of the eWaterCycle system. Adding your BMI-enabled model to the eWaterCycle Python package will make it available for anyone that installs the package. However, code contributions to the eWaterCycle Python package involve a thorough review process and it requires a new release of the package for the changes to be available to others.

To start adding a model to the eWaterCycle Python package, you will need to install a development version of the code following the instructions in

The following changes have to be made to the code:

  • Create model as subclass of AbstractModel (src/ewatercycle/models/

  • Import model in src/ewatercycle/models/

  • Add src/ewatercycle/forcing/<model>.py (this needs to use the ESMValTool recipe mentioned above).

  • Register model in src/ewatercycle/forcing/

  • If model needs a custom parameter set class add it in src/ewatercycle/parameter_sets/_<model name>.py

  • Add example parameter set in src/ewatercycle/parameter_sets/

  • Write tests

  • Write example notebook

  • Add model to docs/

  • Add container image to System setup

  • Add container image to infrastructure data preparation scripts

At this point, you should be able to use the model with your local development version of the eWaterCycle Python package. However, in order to make it available to other users, you need to create a pull request on GitHub, and respond to questions raised in the review process until the PR is approved and merged. At that point, you can ask the package developers to create a new release, so that the changes will be available on PyPi. Again, please refer to the instructions in for more information about the contributing process.

Make the new model available on a machine that’s running eWaterCycle

At this stage, anyone can see and use your model inside eWaterCycle on their own machine. However, the more interesting and common use case for eWaterCycle is for it to be hosted on a tailor-made platform. That is, you get access to a machine with a Jupyter Lab environment, an explorer, and lot’s of data readily available.

In our case, we run the platform on SURF Research Cloud, which is configured using Ansible as detailed in our infrastructure repository.

To make sure that your model will be available on a new or existing platform, you need to make sure that:

  • The latest version of eWaterCycle is installed on that platform

  • The singularity image is available on that platform

  • The example parameter set is available on that platform

Typically these steps should be performed by platform developers and maintainers.

For SURF infrastructure specifically, this requires to the following changes.

  • Install version/branch of eWaterCycle Python package with new model version on any running virtual machines

  • Add Singularity image to storage. In our case, we use a dCache folder ewcdcache:/singularity-images/<model>-grpc4bmi_<version>.sif

  • Add container image to infrastructure repository

  • Optionally: Add example parameter set to explorer catalog. The forcing, parameter set and model image should be available on Jupyter server connected to explorer.

Adding a new version of a model

A model can have different versions. A model version in the eWaterCycle Python package corresponds to the tag of Docker image and the version in a Singularity container image filename. The version of the container image should preferably be one of release versions of the model code. Alternatively the version could be the name of a feature branch or a date.

Also parameter sets can specify with which versions of a model they are compatible.

Adding a new version of a model involves the following code changes:

  • Add container image to System setup page by editing docs/system_setup.rst

  • In src/ewatercycle/models/<model>.py

    • add new version to available_versions class property.

    • to __init__() method add support for new version

  • Optionally: Add new version to existing example parameter set or add new parameter set in src/ewatercycle/parameter_sets/_<model>.py:example_parameter_sets()

  • Add new version to supported parameter sets in local eWaterCycle config file (/etc/ewatercycle.yaml and */.config/ewatercycle/ewatercycle.yaml)

  • Test it locally

  • Create pull request and get it merged

  • Create new release of Python package. Done by package maintainers