ewatercycle.models.marrmot module

eWaterCycle wrapper around Marrmot BMI.

class ewatercycle.models.marrmot.Solver(name: str = 'createOdeApprox_IE', resnorm_tolerance: float = 0.1, resnorm_maxiter: float = 6.0)

Bases: object

Container for properties of the solver.

For current implementations see here.

name: str = 'createOdeApprox_IE'
resnorm_tolerance: float = 0.1
resnorm_maxiter: float = 6.0
class ewatercycle.models.marrmot.MarrmotM01(version: str, forcing: MarrmotForcing)

Bases: AbstractModel[MarrmotForcing]

eWaterCycle implementation of Marrmot Collie River 1 (traditional bucket) model.

It sets MarrmotM01 parameter with an initial value that is the mean value of the range specfied in model parameter range file.


version – pick a version for which an ewatercycle grpc4bmi docker image is available. forcing: a MarrmotForcing object. If forcing file contains parameter and other settings, those are used and can be changed in setup().


See examples/marrmotM01.ipynb in ewatercycle repository

model_name = 'm_01_collie1_1p_1s'

Name of model in Matlab code.

available_versions: ClassVar[Tuple[str, ...]] = ('2020.11',)

Versions for which ewatercycle grpc4bmi docker images are available.

setup(maximum_soil_moisture_storage: Optional[float] = None, initial_soil_moisture_storage: Optional[float] = None, start_time: Optional[str] = None, end_time: Optional[str] = None, solver: Optional[Solver] = None, cfg_dir: Optional[str] = None, delay: int = 0) Tuple[str, str]

Configure model run.

  1. Creates config file and config directory based on the forcing variables and time range

  2. Start bmi container and store as bmi

  • maximum_soil_moisture_storage

    in mm. Range is specfied in model parameter range file.

  • initial_soil_moisture_storage – in mm.

  • start_time – Start time of model in UTC and ISO format string e.g. ‘YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ’. If not given then forcing start time is used.

  • end_time – End time of model in UTC and ISO format string e.g. ‘YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ’. If not given then forcing end time is used.

  • solver – Solver settings

  • cfg_dir – a run directory given by user or created for user.

  • delay – Number of seconds to wait before communicating with model. Increase the delay when model takes a while to start.


Path to config file and path to config directory

get_value_as_xarray(name: str) xarray.DataArray

Return the value as xarray object.

property parameters: Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]]

List the parameters for this model.

forcing: Optional[ForcingT]
bmi: Bmi

Basic Modeling Interface object

class ewatercycle.models.marrmot.MarrmotM14(version: str, forcing: MarrmotForcing)

Bases: AbstractModel[MarrmotForcing]

eWaterCycle implementation of Marrmot Top Model hydrological model.

It sets MarrmotM14 parameter with an initial value that is the mean value of the range specfied in model parameter range file.

  • version – pick a version for which an ewatercycle grpc4bmi docker image is available.

  • forcing – a MarrmotForcing object. If forcing file contains parameter and other settings, those are used and can be changed in setup().


See examples/marrmotM14.ipynb in ewatercycle repository

model_name = 'm_14_topmodel_7p_2s'

Name of model in Matlab code.

available_versions: ClassVar[Tuple[str, ...]] = ('2020.11',)

Versions for which ewatercycle grpc4bmi docker images are available.

setup(maximum_soil_moisture_storage: Optional[float] = None, threshold_flow_generation_evap_change: Optional[float] = None, leakage_saturated_zone_flow_coefficient: Optional[float] = None, zero_deficit_base_flow_speed: Optional[float] = None, baseflow_coefficient: Optional[float] = None, gamma_distribution_chi_parameter: Optional[float] = None, gamma_distribution_phi_parameter: Optional[float] = None, initial_upper_zone_storage: Optional[float] = None, initial_saturated_zone_storage: Optional[float] = None, start_time: Optional[str] = None, end_time: Optional[str] = None, solver: Optional[Solver] = None, cfg_dir: Optional[str] = None, delay: int = 0) Tuple[str, str]

Configure model run.

  1. Creates config file and config directory based on the forcing variables and time range

  2. Start bmi container and store as bmi

  • maximum_soil_moisture_storage

    in mm. Range is specfied in model parameter range file. threshold_flow_generation_evap_change.

  • leakage_saturated_zone_flow_coefficient – in mm/d.

  • zero_deficit_base_flow_speed – in mm/d.

  • baseflow_coefficient – in mm-1.

  • gamma_distribution_chi_parameter.

  • gamma_distribution_phi_parameter.

  • initial_upper_zone_storage – in mm.

  • initial_saturated_zone_storage – in mm.

  • start_time – Start time of model in UTC and ISO format string e.g. ‘YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ’. If not given then forcing start time is used.

  • end_time – End time of model in UTC and ISO format string e.g. ‘YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ’. If not given then forcing end time is used. solver: Solver settings

  • cfg_dir – a run directory given by user or created for user.

  • delay – Number of seconds to wait before communicating with model. Increase the delay when model takes a while to start.


Path to config file and path to config directory

forcing: Optional[ForcingT]
bmi: Bmi

Basic Modeling Interface object

get_value_as_xarray(name: str) xarray.DataArray

Return the value as xarray object.

property parameters: Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]]

List the parameters for this model.