ewatercycle.observation.grdc module

Global Runoff Data Centre module.

ewatercycle.observation.grdc.get_grdc_data(station_id: str, start_time: str, end_time: str, parameter: str = 'Q', data_home: Optional[str] = None, column: str = 'streamflow') Tuple[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, Dict[str, Union[str, int, float]]]

Get river discharge data from Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC).

Requires the GRDC daily data files in a local directory. The GRDC daily data files can be ordered at https://www.bafg.de/GRDC/EN/02_srvcs/21_tmsrs/riverdischarge_node.html

  • station_id – The station id to get. The station id can be found in the catalogues at https://www.bafg.de/GRDC/EN/02_srvcs/21_tmsrs/212_prjctlgs/project_catalogue_node.html

  • start_time – Start time of model in UTC and ISO format string e.g. ‘YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ’.

  • end_time – End time of model in UTC and ISO format string e.g. ‘YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ’.

  • parameter – optional. The parameter code to get, e.g. (‘Q’) discharge, cubic meters per second.

  • data_home – optional. The directory where the daily grdc data is located. If left out will use the grdc_location in the eWaterCycle configuration file.

  • column – optional. Name of column in dataframe. Default: “streamflow”.


grdc data in a dataframe and metadata.


from ewatercycle.observation.grdc import get_grdc_data

df, meta = get_grdc_data('6335020',
count   4382.000000
mean    2328.992469
std     1190.181058
min      881.000000
25%     1550.000000
50%     2000.000000
75%     2730.000000
max    11300.000000

{'grdc_file_name': '/home/myusername/git/eWaterCycle/ewatercycle/6335020_Q_Day.Cmd.txt',
'id_from_grdc': 6335020,
'file_generation_date': '2019-03-27',
'river_name': 'RHINE RIVER',
'station_name': 'REES',
'country_code': 'DE',
'grdc_latitude_in_arc_degree': 51.756918,
'grdc_longitude_in_arc_degree': 6.395395,
'grdc_catchment_area_in_km2': 159300.0,
'altitude_masl': 8.0,
'dataSetContent': 'MEAN DAILY DISCHARGE (Q)',
'units': 'm³/s',
'time_series': '1814-11 - 2016-12',
'no_of_years': 203,
'last_update': '2018-05-24',
'nrMeasurements': 'NA',
'UserStartTime': '2000-01-01T00:00Z',
'UserEndTime': '2001-01-01T00:00Z',
'nrMissingData': 0}